Ways to Give

The Susquehanna Waldorf School has evolved into a remarkable institution due in part to growing charitable support from parents, grandparents, alumni families, trustees, friends and foundations. Such generosity supports the school’s mission by providing the resources for program and student needs, faculty purposes, tuition assistance and community interests.

Donate Now

How to Support SWS

As a non-profit 501©3 organization, all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

The school gratefully accepts gifts of:

  • Cash and cash equivalents including stocks, securities, bonds, bequests and charitable trusts.
  • Donations of tangible items and services (in-kind) are often needed and requested.

Many businesses offer corporate matches for employees who donate to educational entities. We encourage families to take advantage of these kinds of programs if their employer is willing to match a financial donation to the school. Additionally, our nonprofit status qualifies SWS to receive United Way donations.

Extraordinary Give

Friday November 22nd, go the EXTRA mile for SWS! We’re participating in the Extraordinary Give, Lancaster County’s Largest Day of Giving. For 24-hours only, visit ExtraGive.org/organizations/susquehanna-waldorf-school, make a donation (min. $25), and know that every dollar you donate will be stretched by at least $300,000 from the Lancaster County Community Foundation.

Annual Giving

The role of the Annual Fund has been and remains a vital element in the school’s present excellence and future success. You can be a part of future growth and progress by making a gift through the Annual Giving Campaign. Your participation at any level will be appreciated. Checks made out to the Susquehanna Waldorf School Annual Giving Campaign can be sent to the address below.

Please contact a member of the Board of Trustees at (717) 426-4506 to discuss other forms of charitable giving.


Over 2,300 companies have contributed in excess of $260 million to scholarship programs in Pennsylvania. As a corporation or a business in Pennsylvania, your support will grant a tax break. Through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program, your tax dollars are earmarked to directly support scholarships for children in need.

About the Program

In 2001, by an overwhelming bi-partisan majority, Pennsylvania made history by becoming the first state to pass an education tax credit aimed at corporations and businesses. This program provides companies with a 75% tax credit for donations to a non-profit scholarship fund. The tax credit increases to 90% if the company commits to making the same level of donation for two consecutive years.


You are eligible to participate if you are a business authorized to do business in PA subject to one or more of the following taxes:

  • Corporate Net Income Tax
  • Capital Stock Franchise Tax
  • Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax
  • Title Insurance Company Shares Tax
  • Insurance Premiums Tax
  • Mutual Thrift Institution Tax

A business can contribute up to a maximum of $200,000 each year.

Signing Up

The simple one-page program application is quick and very easy to fill out. Use the link below to download an application and complete as directed. Be sure to also download step by step instructions. For program inquiries or delivery of your application via, mail, fax, email or in person:

DCED Center for Business Financing Tax Credit Division, 4th Floor

Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Telephone: (717) 787-7120
Fax: (717) 772-3581
Email:  tknorr@state.pa.us

For additional information and forms, please contact: 

Michelle Wann
Susquehanna Waldorf School
717-426-4506 ext. 224